VEGA training seminar – 3 day course
Processing Solutions with Level, Pressure and Nucleonic.
VEGAPULS Radar Level Measurement
▪ Introduction with overview of Radar level measurement techniques
▪ Radar types and mechanical requirements
▪ New Radar measuring technologies
▪ Installation requirements
▪ Components, maintenance and electronics exchange
VEGAFLEX Guided-Wave Radar Level Measurement
▪ Introduction with overview of Guided-Wave Radar level measurement technology
▪ Guided Wave Radar Installation requirements
▪ Guided Wave Radar specialist applications
▪ Components, maintenance and electronics exchange
Capacitive Level Technology – Continuous and Switches
▪ Introduction to measuring Technology
▪ Installation
▪ Calibration
VEGABAR Pressure Sensors
▪ Introduction with overview of pressure measurement technology
▪ Pressure transmitter types and sensor technology
▪ IO Link Technology
▪ Mechanical and electrical installation requirements
▪ Component parts and maintenance
▪ Basic Principle of operation and identifying types
▪ Hands on the products and principle parts
▪ VEGATOR Signal conditioners, isolators and barriers
▪ Remote self-test demonstration, fault finding and testing units
▪ Replacing modules
VEGA Nucleonics
▪ Level, Density and switching
▪ Basic Principle of operation of Nuclear instruments
▪ Installation, setup and calibration of Nuclear Gauges
PACTware Software
▪ VEGA DTM Collection and PACTware software demonstration
▪ Connecting to a field device – All Technologies
▪ Instrument set up and commissioning exercises
▪ Reading echo curves and identifying problems
▪ Backing up and retrieving data